Friday, March 16, 2007

Inspirational quote!

I have an addiction to net surfing; almost close to being my passion. Once while 'pursuing' this passion, I came across a very inspiring quote from the great management guru Peter Drucker-->

"The only way to predict future is to CREATE it!"

Well said! It took me down to my own analysis of past, present and future...

About past: How often we are lost in regrets over things we couldnot do or haven't done so far. Why should we let ourselves indulge in such self-pity? Of late, I have started getting a lot of free time to reflect and ponder upon various things in life. I have started believing there's always a second chance for everyone! You can do what you always wanted to do.. there's no one stopping you but YOURSELF!

About Future: There are always some things you cannot change at all. Things like these give the unpredictable edge to our future. These things are best left to the fate; its better not to worry about them. There are also some things which are in your hands. Things like realising your dreams and passions. As long as you can think, you can always act on such things. These are the things that deserve a permanent place in our mind; and its our duty to look for opportunities to realise them. A duty towards ourselves- to make our life productive and worth living every moment!

About Present: Someone had said long ago, you should not ponder about your past or worry about future, coz past is gone and future is yet to come; if you can do this, you can truely Live in Present, coz present is just what the word says, a PRESENT, a gift of life! My version of this saying is- Make present the best moment of your life and it will take care of your future and make past the best memories to remember. This again boils down to the fact that future can be created the way we want it to be if we live our present moment to the fullest capacity & in alignment with our dreams! Thats exactly what the above quote means.

Whew! enough of being preachy today! Time for action!

1 comment:


गुढीपाडव्यानिमित्त सर्वांना नवे वर्ष सुखसमृद्धी व भरभराटीचे जावो.